ONS 2022
ONS 2022 Theme
Every ONS since 1974 has been crowned with its own theme, and the theme for next year’s event is now launched.

The glue of society
There are just a few elementary forces that hold our world together. The one that’s the glue of society is called trust. Allowing people to live and work together. Organizations and communities to thrive. Businesses to create value. And nations and the international community to stay out of conflicts and solve great challenges.
Trust is the building block for any relationship without which the foundation will always remain shaky.
Committed to the energy transition
The energy industry aims to meet the toughest global hurdles with business solutions, commitments and genuine willingness to act. By being transparent. Proving ourselves reliable. And through caring for the development of mankind.o diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
ONS – one big handshake
ONS 2022. Yet again we meet in larger assemblies. Offer a solid handshake and give each other a good hug. Visit each other unrestricted – across borders. Presenting innovations and technologies. Meeting customers and signing deals. Debating energy solutions and the hurdles on our path towards a more sustainable future.
Overall, the core is trust – being the foundation for success with partnerships, business deals and recruitment. It’s when international players – companies, countries, organizations, individuals – trust each other, mutual co-operation for peace, profit and prosperity can flourish.
We trust to see you at ONS 2022.
Creating flexible work solutions
Human progress has always relied on co-operation between people. Over the last years we have seen great changes in the way we work and interact. More remote. More digital. Finding new paths for relationships to flourish, push for growth and creativity while being apart. The digital revolution represents a great shift in trust, and in tech we trust for now. But what will it take to keep it that way? How will it affect human trust? We as workers and leaders are being challenged. The workplace as we knew it is transforming. We need to adapt to new realities – both in attitude and skills. Changes that require trust.
Re-building global collaborations
These are times where the global community is re-establishing and finding new paths. What will the geopolitical repositioning look like; which alliances will emerge and who will rely on who? How has the pandemic altered economics, international collaborations and energy markets? Which opportunities arise and how will energy investors respond?
2022: Trust
2020: Together
2018: Innovate
2016: Transition
2014: Changes
2012: Confronting Energy Paradoxes
2010: Energy for more people
2008: Energy for one world
2006: Bridging the energy gap
2004: Shaping our energy future
2002: Energizing a new generation
2000: Shaping the future of the energy industry
1998: Energy needs and environmental demands
1996: Oil and gas beyond 2000 – new frontiers
1994: A changing world – a changing industry
1992: Future energy markets – political and technological perspectives
1990: The petroleum industry adjusting to new realities
1988: Oil and gas in the 1990’s – perspectives, challenges and opportunities
1986: Northern waters: new political, economic and technical opportunities and concerns
1984: Uncertainties and innovation – management of northern offshore resources
1982: Production of oil and gas from deep hostile waters
1980: Uncertainties in the management of the offshore petroleum resources